24 April 2011


                        COMMISSION AGENT

            AN AGREEMENT  made of this………………day of……………..BETWEEN ABC & Co. Ltd. having registered office at……………….and  manufacturer of……..(hereinafter  called the ‘manufacturer’) of the one part and OP son of LN resident of………..(hereinafter called  the “agent” ) of the other part.


1.         The  manufacturer  is desirous of appointing a commission agent for the  sale  of……………………….manufactured by it.

2.         The agent  has approached  the manufacturer for his appointment as such  agent  and has consented to act  as such agent.

1.         That the manufacturer  hereby appoints the agent to be its commission agent for the sale of………………….manufactured  by the former  in  the area comprised  by the districts of……………..and ……………in  the State of …………….and the agent hereby agrees to act as such sole selling agent in the said area of…………..on the terms mentioned herein.

2.         That the agent  shall canvas for, secure orders and push the sale of …………to the best of his ability and experience within the said area and  hereafter guarantee  to secure directly or indirectly orders for the sale of ………..to the extent  of the value of Rs…………….at least in the year commencing  from the date  of this agreement.

3.         That the agent shall employ sub-agents, servants, canvassers, clerks and other employees at his own expense and cost in the business or the commission agency. The manufacturer  shall, however advertise at its own cost in the said territory  and at its discretion, whether  in newspapers,  magazines, cinema slides, or  by any  other means  and shall  indicate  where feasible  the name  of the agent  as its sole  selling agent  in the territory indicate  above.

4.         That  the agent  shall furnish to the manufacturer  weekly return  of the business  secured and the work done, the  persons approached and convassed during  the previous week and shall forward to the manufacturer  not later  than  two days from the receipt of any orders for the supply of ……………as well as all enquiries received in respect of the said ………………… The agent shall deposit  in the manufacturer all moneys received in advance from the customers, and submit  an  account thereof  every Friday to the manufacturer.

5.         That no representation shall be made on behalf of the manufacturer except as in conformity with the instructions   issued from time to time by the manufacturer. All business done or procured by the agent shall be in accordance with the terms mentioned in the  Schedule attached herehto, subject to modification thereof as per circulars or directions issued by the manufacturer from time to time.

6.         That no order for the supply by the manufacturer shall be secured or undertaken which shall exceed the value of Rs……………….. unless prior consent thereof has been obtained in writing from the manufacturer.

7.         That this agreement shall be in force for a period of one year from the  commencement thereof, during  which period, the agent shall, not canvass for or act as  selling agent for goods of the same kind for any other manufacturer.

8.         That the agent shall be paid by the manufacturer a commission of ……………….per cent . on all orders and repeat orders received directly or indirectly from the said territory, which shall have been executed or complied with by the manufacturer, such execution or compliance being in the absolute discretion of the manufacturer. The said commission will be payable at the end of every month and shall be payable even in respect of orders received of supply of the said ……………….. made by manufacturer out of their own accord to any   constituent  within  the said territory, for valuable consideration.

9.         That at the termination of the agreement whether by efflux of time or otherwise. The manufacturer shall not  be liable to pay any commission on orders received thereafter.

10.       That the agency may be determined by the manufacturer at any time during the said period of one year, after  giving fourteen days’ notice thereof, in case the agent should omit to comply  with the obligations imposed upon him under this agreement  or in case, in the opinion of the  manufacturer, the agent is guilty  of misrepresentation as to the quality or characteristics of the said………………..or the canvassing or securing orders  in the said territory does not substantially  exceed the minimum guaranteed  by the agent or for any other just  cause construed  in the business point of  view. The agent  may terminate this agreement  at any time during  the said  period  of one year, after giving one month’s  notice thereof  in case the  manufacturer  should  repeatedly fail  to comply with or execute  the orders  by the agent any  duly communicated  to or accepted by the  manufacturer  pursuant to this agreement  or in case the  goods…………..supplied are  substantially inferior   to the  description thereof, or  in case the  manufacturer  should without  just case, or cause, withhold the payment of the commission due  to the agent  under the agreement  for a period exceeding tow months.

11.       That the agent  shall be  personally  liable for the payment of the price of the goods supplied  through him or pursuant to the orders secured by him, if the constituent  to whom the goods were so supplied  by the manufacturer  refused  within  three months of the receipt thereof  to pay for the same or refuses to accept the same  when forwarded to such constituent. This liability of the agent  shall be  akin to that surety.

12.       That  the agent  shall furnish a cash security of Rs…………….to the manufacturer  for a period  of one year sufficient (irrespective of previous determination  of the agreement for any cause whatsoever) to ensure against  due compliance  by the agent  of the terms  hereof  and such  security shall carry interest  at the rate of 3 per cent annum. Such security shall be  repayable  with interest  to the agent  within  one  month of the expiry of the period fixed in the agreement after adjustment of accounts  between  the parties. In case there should arise  any dispute  with respect to any matter regarding which any deduction is sought to be made  by the manufacturer,  the said  dispute shall be referred to the arbitration  of the President of the District Bar Association at………….who  shall either  act as arbitrator  himself  or appoint  any other member of the Bar (paying income-tax) as arbitrator.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto  have signed this agreement  on the day and  year first written above.
………………….………..                                                                             ………………
(Agent)                                                                                               (Manufacutrer)


(I)         Preliminary.- It is  the common feature of the manufacturing  operations  of the industrial concerns that dealers are appointed to sell the goods so manufactured . it is because of this that dealership agreements are invariably  entered  into by the manufacturing  concerns with the other parties so as  to demarcate the contours of relations inter se.

(ii)        Model Forms

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