24 April 2011



THIS  AGREEMENT made on this ………………….. day of …………………. BETWEEN  ………………. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company ) having its registered office and factory at ………………….. , of the one part and …………………….. Ltd., carrying on business at ………………………. ( hereinafter called the sole selling agents ) of the other part.

WHEREAS the company  is engaged in the manufacture of cotton and textiles polyester  fibre yarn  suitings and shirtings.

AND WHEREAS the sole-selling agents are the whole-sale traders in suitings and shirtings and other textile goods in north India with headquarter at Delhi.

AND WHEREAS the company in its general meeting held on……………has decided to appoint ………………. Ltd. as the sole-selling agents for northern India for whole-sale business of  the company’s  manufactured suitings and shirtings and the Central Government has also  approved the appointment of the said sole-selling agents vide letter NO……………………..dated………………

AND WHEREAS it is agreed between the parties that the company  shall appoint ………………… Ltd. as the sole selling  agents for the suitings  and shirtings manufactured by  the company and the said ………………….. Ltd, have agreed  to act as the sole-selling agents for the company.


(1)       That the company appoints ………………. Ltd, Delhi as the sole-selling agents for the North India including   the States of ………………………. for the suitings  and shirtings  manufactured  by the company and the said sole-selling agents  will have the exclusive right  and  authority to sell whether in cash or on credit and procure the  orders for sale of the said product of the company  in any manner in the territories mentioned above.

(2)       The appointment of sole-selling agents shall take  effect from 1st  day of…………., and shall operate  for a period of five years from the said date without prejudice  to the right of reappointment but subject to the approval by the Company in general meeting and also subject to the approval by the Central Government  as required  under section 294 of the Companies  Act, 1956, and Rule 2 of the Companies (Appointment of Sole Agents) Rule, 1975.

(3)       The sole-selling agents  shall have the right to operate in the entire territories of North India as  mentioned  above  either directly or through their  branch offices, associates or sub-agents for giving effect to this agreement.

(4)       The sole-selling agents in consideration their selling and procuring orders for the sale  of the company’s products  shall be paid a commission at a rate not exceeding 30% but determinable by the mutual agreement of the parties at the commencement of every year on  sales effected by them at  agreed  intervals of time on the amount  actually collected by them in accordance with the incentive rates on the amount collected, agreed to, and described in the Schedule hereinafter annexed.

(5)       The sole-selling agents hereby covenant :
(i)         That  they will exclusively engage in the sale of the company’s  products to the best of their efforts and shall not  engage in the sale of similar or identical products of other manufactures.

(ii)        That  they will  protect preserve and maintain patents and trade mark of the company’s products sold  by them in all possible manner at their own cost and will never  allow others to use the same unauthorisedly.

(iii)       That  they will keep and maintain  the full and complete accounts  of the sale of the company’s products, area-wise and region-wise and submit  quarterly reports of sale, stock in hand, realisation of credit bills and any other information as may be  desired by the company at any time or from time to time;

(iv)       That they will not create  any obligation involving payments either in cash or king on  behalf  of the company and shall  not assign the interest, rights and obligations arising out  of these  presents to any third party;

(v)        That they shall keep the company will informed  of the demands of the company’s products arising in the territories of their operation from time to time.

(6)       The  company also hereby covenants as under :

(i)         That it  shall  provide  the sole-selling agents complete catalogue, instruction books, circulars for promoting sales of its products and  publish advertisements in local and regional newspapers for promoting  sales of the company’s  products.

(ii)        That it shall execute  orders placed by the sole-selling agents with all  reasonable despatch

 (iii)      That it shall not entertain  and execute direct orders from the territories assigned  to the sole-selling agents and in case any orders  are received by it the same shall  be passed  on to the  sole-selling  agents and they will  be paid  commission 20% on such orders.

(7)       The parties  hereto  hereby agree as under :

(i)         That nothing  contained  herein shall prejudice the rights of the company to appoint  another  selling agents in any of the aforesaid   States or to open its own retail shop in writing  where it  is found necessary to promote public distribution system or to execute any special programme  of the  Government of India. However, so the company shall obtain prior  consent  in writing of the sole-selling agents in that behalf.

(ii)        That the retail price of the product shall always be determined  by the company  in consultation with the  sole-selling agents.

(iii)       That the agreement is renewable subject  to mutual consent of the parties  hereto on the expiry of five years.

(iv)       That the agreement  may be terminated by either  party on giving  six months, notice in advance to the other party in writing  but  by  registered  post.

(v)        That  any dispute  arising between the parties  hereto  shall be referred to the sole  arbitrator Shri……………….and  the  decision/award of such arbitrator shall be  binding upon the parties hereto.

(vi)       That the Delhi  courts will have  the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of decide the issues in dispute between the parties  hereto.

                IN WITNESS WHEREOF  the  parties  hereto have signed  this agreement  on  the day and year first written above.

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